I am a fan of Steve Maxwell’s edutainment. He takes household concerns and makes the solutions clear, simple and a do-able challenge! He also has some great common sense. He is also an Ontario man so his wisdom matches our climate!
This is shown in one of my favourite articles of his in which he busts Seven Insulation Myths. No Spoilers but here are the myths – go through them and see if you recognize their fallacy, then click through the link at the end to read the truth.
Myth#1: Internal Wall And Attic Condensation Is Caused By Lack Of Ventilation
Myth#2: R Values Accurately Reflect Real-World Energy Performance
Myth#3: Vapour Barriers Trap Moisture
Myth#4: Spray Foam Is Bad
Myth#5: Stud Wall R Values Are The Same As Insulation R Values
Myth#6: Stud Frame Walls Are Good For Basements (we have a spray foam option to share here)
Myth#7: Insulation Between Rafters Is Fine For Cathedral Ceilings
Okay – enough with the test, go look at the reality: https://baileylineroad.com/seven-insulation-myths-busted/
You may also enjoy Steve’s post on The Truth About Insulation R-Value: https://baileylineroad.com/insulation-r-values/